Created in 2010 by the American Emily Stone, Maya Mountain Cacao (MMC), is a social company among the pioneers in the creation of a high quality centralized fermentation center to export very high quality cocoa to craft chocolate makers Americans.
The still-moist beans are purchased from 350 farmers in the Toledo and South Stann Creek districts, most of them Q'eqchi' and Mopan Maya who have been growing cocoa for generations.
These are then fermented and dried by 100% local teams according to a completely controlled and traceable process. The social and economic impact on all communities in Southern Belize is significant.
This cocoa is one of the first that we selected in 2019 and transformed into chocolate with various percentages and recipes (76%, 84%, 100%, crispy, 70% with maple sugar) in pastries and ice cream.
We particularly appreciate its tangy notes of tropical fruits, raisin and honey.
We buy this cocoa in 52 kilo bags directly from MMC, which imports and stores its cocoa itself in Amsterdam.
Each bag delivered to the Manufacture in Paris, rue du Nil, is individually transformed into chocolate in the Bean To Bar philosophy, in "micro batch", in order to stay as close as possible to the aromatic specificities which can vary from one batch to another.
The beans are tasted, sorted, roasted at low temperature, mixed with unrefined cane sugar, stone-conched for 3 days before resting for 3 weeks. The pure chocolate thus obtained will then be melted to be molded and packaged into bars or used in pastries, drinks and ice cream.