• Who are we ?
  • The site plaqchocolat.com (“ the website”) is published by the company SAS Plaq, with capital of 1,656 euros and represented by Nicolas ROZIER-CHABERT, President.

    Our headquarters is located at 4 rue du Nil in Paris (75002) and we are registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under SIREN number 842 324 766 - INTRACOMMUNITY VAT FR53842324766.

    You can contact us at any time at contact@plaqchocolat.com.

    The website is hosted by Shopify, a Canadian company registered on the TSX and NYSE under number 426160-7 and whose head office is located at 151 rue O'Connor, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8, Canada.


  • What are the usefulness of general conditions?
  • The trust you place in us every day is our priority. As such, we do everything we can to ensure that you can maintain this trust on a daily basis, which obviously requires general conditions of use ( “GCU” ) that are respected and known to all.

    The T&Cs, which apply to all of our services, are intended to present to you the rules that you must respect when you use our website, knowing that any use of the Site implies unreserved acceptance of the T&Cs.

    You therefore certify that you have read the T&Cs prior to any use of our Site. In the event of an order or creation of an account via our Site, the T&Cs are supplemented by the general conditions of sale applicable to our orders which you are presumed to have also consulted and accepted without reservation.


  • What are our commitments regarding the operation of the Site?
  • We do everything possible to offer you a quality website, accessible 24/7, offering accurate and precise content, devoid of any risk of technical failure.

    However, since “zero risk” does not exist in IT matters, our liability cannot be engaged in the event of damage that may occur due to the use of the website because we cannot be responsible in the event of possible errors, unavailability, or interruption that may occur on our website or in the event that a virus is accessible from our website.

    In addition, your access to the website or services may occasionally be suspended or limited to allow for repairs, maintenance, or to add a new feature or service.


  • What are your obligations and duties when using the website?
  • You undertake to comply at all times when using the website (i) with the national and international laws and regulations in force and (ii) with the T&Cs.


    In all cases, you undertake not to, directly or indirectly:

    • use the website in such a way as to infringe the intellectual and industrial property rights, the right to privacy and/or the right to image and/or any other rights of others.
    • carry out activities aimed at accessing elements or functionalities of the services whose use is carried out without our prior and express authorization.
    • arrange, modify, translate, adapt, reproduce, index, copy and/or extract any information, any software, any product or any other element or part of the website, by any means without our prior and express authorization.
    • modify, distort, block, abnormally burden, disrupt, slow down, and/or hinder the normal operation of all or part of the website, or their accessibility to other users, or the operation of partner networks, or attempt to do anything that precedes.
    • transmit or propagate any virus, Trojan horse, worm, bomb, corrupted file and/or similar destructive device or corrupted data, and/or organize, participate in or be involved in any way in an attack against our servers and/ or our website and/or the servers and/or services of our service providers and partners.
    • use the account of another user of the website, pass yourself off as another person or give you a false status in relations with any natural or legal person.
    • collect or intercept by any means that is not expressly permitted data exchanged by other users, or the names/pseudonyms and/or passwords of any other user.
    • attempt to obtain password, account information or other private information from any other user of the website, and/or sell, rent, share, loan and/or otherwise transfer to any third party your account and/or the means of accessing it and/or in any other way allow any third party to benefit from your account.

    If you notice malicious behavior or behavior contrary to our T&Cs, you must contact us at contact@plaqchocolat.com .


  • Can your account be suspended or deactivated?
  • We may limit, restrict, suspend or permanently interrupt all or part of your account, at any time, without notice and without prior formality, in the event of failure to fulfill your duties and obligations under the Terms and Conditions or at the express request of an administrative or jurisdictional authority, or in the event of a real or supposed infringement of any right, all without this measure being considered as a breach of our obligations. The IP address can be used to identify you in order to comply with the General Terms and Conditions.

    Any closure of your account results in the permanent deletion of the information communicated to us when opening or updating your account, all documents and other elements stored via the website, and any orders in progress.

    If your account is closed at your own initiative, no refund, either total or partial, of amounts already paid will be made. In the event of closure of your account on our initiative for non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions, no refund, either total or partial, of amounts already paid will be made. In addition, you are formally and strictly prohibited from opening a new account, with the same or a different email address or through an intermediary without our prior written authorization. In this case, contact us at the following email address to request the creation of a new account: contact@plaqchocolat.com .


  • What rules apply to intellectual property?
  • We are and remain the exclusive owners of all intellectual property rights to the brands (e.g. Plaq, Plaqchocolat, etc.), graphic charter or logos, or any other element that you can view when you use our website.

    We are and also remain the exclusive owners of all intellectual property rights and licenses from third party publishers applicable to the general structure of the website such as, the software used to operate it, the algorithms that we have developed, the APIs that we use, the content of the website that we write and/or choose (e.g.: text, sound, drawing, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, etc.), our know-how, etc.

    The fact that you can have free access to it during your use does not imply that we grant you any license or right of use over the elements of this website.

    You therefore do not have the right to use these elements, in any way whatsoever, entirely or partially, without our prior written authorization. Any use on your part that we have not authorized may constitute an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 and seq. of the Intellectual Property Code and by articles L713-2 and seq. of the same code.

    Our website may also mention, for various reasons, other logos, trademarks or registered trademarks belonging to us or to third parties and protected by industrial property law. Therefore, any use not expressly authorized of these elements constitutes counterfeiting.

    In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 98-536 of July 1, 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code Directive 96/9 EC of March 11, 1996 concerning the legal protection of databases, we inform you that we are producer and owner of all or part of the databases used via the website. Consequently, any extraction and/or reuse of databases within the meaning of articles L342-1 and L342-2 of the Intellectual Property Code is prohibited.


  • How do we use your personal data?
  • When we work together and you browse our website, we have no other choice than to process your personal data, in particular to process your orders, manage our commercial relations, etc.

    To make it easier for you to understand how we process your data, we have written a Privacy policy , accessible at any time on our website, which aims to present to you the reasons and the manner in which we process your data as part of the services we provide.

    We may also use “Cookies” in particular to operate the website. You can at any time obtain more precise information on our use of “Cookies” on your devices (e.g. mobile phone, computer, tablet, etc.) thanks to our “Cookies” Policy , also accessible at any time on our website.


  • What is the “standard” language applicable on the website?
  • The website can be translated into different languages. However, French remains the “standard” language of our company and our activity. The French language therefore always prevails over other versions of the website within the framework of our working relationship, particularly in the event of misinterpretation, dispute, dispute, or difficulty of interpretation on our services.


  • What are the rules relating to hyperlinks?
  • The website may contain hypertext links to websites or third-party sites. You are informed that we are neither responsible nor committed to the offers, actions, content, products, services or any other element available via these links.

    Furthermore, we thank you in advance for notifying us of any hypertext link present on the website which would allow access to a third-party site offering content contrary to the laws or good morals.


  • What is the applicable law for the use of the site or any dispute relating to these general conditions?
  • Plaq is a company incorporated under French law. Consequently, use of the website is subject to French law and any dispute will be brought exclusively before the competent French courts.


  • Can the terms and conditions be changed?
  • We reserve the right to modify the T&Cs at any time and without notice. We therefore advise you to consult them as regularly as possible.


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